πŸ’²FREE ACCESS: Revolutionize Your Income With AI!

Instantly Craft Full-Length Video Courses In Any Niche And Dominate The $250 Billion E-Learning Market – NO Experience Required!

The Hidden Trick To Make A.I. Produce Complete Course Materials On Demand & Transform Them Into…
Sleek, Professional Videos In A Few Clicks!

This A.I. System Changes Everything…

(1) The FULL Proccess + Examples

(2) Automatically Generate Course Videos With A.I.

(3) The ChatGPT Master Prompt:

PART 1 (Outline, Sections, Sub-sections creation)

Write an outline of a detailed and professional video course for [TARGET MARKET], to teach them how to [WHAT YOU’RE TEACHING], so they can [RESULTS].

Divide the course in sections and for each one create 2/3 sub-sections.

Once you have the outline ready, simply give me an β€œOK”, so I can take a look at the results.

PART 2 (Content creation for the first Section)

Write [NUMBER] words of content for each sub-section.

Please, be precise with that. Every sub-section needs to have the mentioned number of words.

Keep an easy reading level, and a [LANGUAGE STYLE] language.

Please, do NOT write big walls of texts, but divide the sub-sections into small paragraphs, so the content is easier to read and digest.

Once you have the first section done, simply give me an β€œOK”, so I can take a look at the results.

Then we will continue with the rest of the course.

PART 3 (Content creation of the entire course)

Please continue by creating the content for the second section and the rest of the course.

Maintain the same exact style, language and sub-sections length ([NUMBER] words) as in the first section.

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